Mysql Connector Java 5.0 0 Bin Jar

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at de.executeBatch( ~[.

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c:mysqmysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar Notice that the Clas sPath. My database settings for mysql in local.propertiesĭb.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hybrislocal?useConfigs=maxPerformance&characterEncoding=utf8 db.driver= db.username=root db.password=root db.tableprefix=CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin mysql.tabletype=InnoDB =true innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0Ĭaused by: : Table 'hybrislocal.cronjobs' doesn't exist at .executeBatch( ~ at de.executeBatch( ~[coreserver.jar: at .JdbcTemplate$1BatchUpdateStatementCallback.doInStatement(JdbcTemplate at .JdbcTemplate$1BatchUpdateStatementCallback.doInStatement(JdbcTemplate at .JdbcTemplate.execute( ~[spring-jdbc-4.3.17.RELE at .JdbcTemplate.batchUpdate( ~[spring-jdbc-4.3.17. server Jboss5.0, and set the jdk of Jboss to the jdk configured above, import the database connection jar package: mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar. For example, here's a sample ClassPath variable for a driver located in c : mysql. While initializing hybris, it gives error, it is unable to find cronjob table in my databse.

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Hi, I have installed hybris 6.7 with b2c_b2b_acc_oms recipe and using mysql as database.